ECHS Vacancy 2025 Last Date, ECHS Notification 2025

ECHS Vacancy 2025 : ECHS Hiring 2025: For the 2025–2026 fiscal year, the Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) Polyclinics, located under Station Headquarters Thiruvananthapuram, are hiring for 170 different contractual posts. There are openings in several places, including as Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Mavelikara, and more. Medical specialists, radiologists, medical officers, dental officers, nursing assistants, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, officer-in-charge, and support personnel including drivers and safaiwalas are among the positions available.

These posts, which offer attractive monthly salaries, are open to skilled professionals and retired members of the military forces. Candidates who meet the requirements can only apply offline by downloading the application from the official ECHS notification (see the official PDF below). Below are the necessary educational requirements as well as additional information to help job searchers.

ECHS Vacancy 2025 Notification

The following are the salient features of the different roles at ECHS Recruitment 2025:

OrganizationEx-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS)
LocationThiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Mavelikara & others
Posts NameOfficer-in-Charge, Medical Specialists, Radiologists, Medical Officers, Dental Officers, Nursing Assistants, Pharmacists, Lab Technicians, Drivers, Safaiwalas
Application ModeOffline
Last Date to Apply18.02.2025

For the positions listed below, the Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) is accepting applications (only in offline mode). Details about the vacancy are provided in the box below.

Post NameVacancies
Officer-in-Charge Polyclinic5
Medical Specialist08
Medical Officer37
Dental Officer12
Dental Hygienist13
Nursing Assistant14
Laboratory Assistant10
Laboratory Technician10
Female Attendant3
IT Network Technician1
Total Posts170

ECHS Notification 2025 Qualification

At several locations, ECHS Recruitment 2025 is accepting applications for the following positions. Administrative, support, and medical positions are among the open positions. The information about the open positions is as follows:

PostEligibility CriteriaAge Limit
Officer-in-Charge PolyclinicRetired officers from Indian Army, Navy, or Air Force, drawing pension. Graduate with 5 years’ work experience in healthcare or managerial positions.63 Years
GynecologistMD/MS in Gynecology or DNB.68 Years
Medical SpecialistPG Degree (MD/MS) in relevant specialty with 3 years of experience.68 Years
RadiologistPostgraduate degree in Radiology.68 Years
Medical OfficerMBBS with at least 3 years of experience after internship.66 Years
Dental OfficerBDS with at least 3 years of experience after internship.63 Years
Dental Hygienist10+2 with  Science and 2 years Diploma in Dental Hygienist/Dental Mechanic Course.56 Years
RadiographerDiploma/Class 1 Radiographer course (Armed Forces).56 Years
PhysiotherapistDiploma/Class 1 Physiotherapy Course (Armed Forces).56 Years
Nursing AssistantClass 1 Nursing Assistant Course (Armed Forces).56 Years
PharmacistB. Pharm or 10+2 with Science and approved Diploma in Pharmacy.56 Years
Laboratory AssistantDMLT or Class-1 Lab Tech Course (Armed Forces).56 Years
DriverClass 1 MT Driver (Armed Forces) with Civil Driving License (LMV).53 Years
SafaiwalaLiterate with at least 5 years of experience.53 Years
Female AttendantLiterate with 5 years of experience in Civil/Army Health Institutions.53 Years
ChowkidarClass VIII or GD Trade for Armed Forces personnel.53 Years
PeonClass VIII or GD Trade (Armed Forces).53 Years
IT Network TechDiploma in IT Networking/Computer Applications.53 Years

Official PDF Notification : Click Here

ECHS Official Website Link : Click Here

Selection Method

Based on the applications submitted within the allotted time for the ECHS recruiting selection procedure, candidates will be shortlisted. Interviews, which may involve a written exam if necessary, will only be held with qualified applicants. The shortlisted candidates will receive an email or phone call with the interview arrangements. The final decision will be dependent on how well the candidate performs in the interview and whether they meet the necessary experience and qualifications.

Please visit the official website or the officially issued advertisement (see the link or PDF below) for additional information about the selection criteria for candidates as well as other specifics.

Apply Online

The ECHS Recruitment 2025 application process is conducted offline. Interested parties must take the following actions:

  1. Visit the official ECHS website to download the application.
  2. Enter your information in the editable PDF to complete the form.
  3. Attach passport-sized photos to the completed form after printing it off.
  4. The completed application should be mailed to Station Headquarters (ECHS), Pam: Lode, Thirumala – PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695006, along with other necessary documentation.
  5. Submissions must be made by February 18, 2025.

Documents Needed for Submission:

  1. Biodata
  2. Certificates of education
  3. Certificates of experience
  4. Certificate of medical fitness
  5. PAN and Aadhar cards
  6. Complete discharge record (for applicants in the Armed Forces)
  7. Order for Pension Payment (for candidates in the Armed Forces)

Please refer to the officially published advertisement for comprehensive instructions on how to apply offline (for more information, see the provided link or PDF file below).

ECHS Vacancy 2025 Last Date

The application deadline is February 18, 2025.